Friday, March 4, 2011

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Call for Papers: Is there a wealth of networks?

International Symposium of the ISIM - University Paul Cézanne - 8 and 9 December 2011 - Aix en Provence.



Networks are now at the heart of our modes of communication. More importantly, their lives transformed our societies. Their importance and centrality involve questions about their purpose, their reality, their value at one point question arises: "Is there a Wealth of Networks? . Behind their brilliance and dominance, what is it really? This question intentionally broad aims to gather responses from disciplines as varied as economics, management and management, law, info-com, the sciences, etc..
The term 'network' is used here in two senses: the original of the networking of individuals through the Internet and the more recent social networks. The first definition leads us to ask about the role played by networks in the evolution of society like the approach taken by Yochai Benkler in his book 'The Wealth of Networks [1]' that this conference takes the title. It analyzes the changes brought about by ICT and its uses. It identifies trends in these 'The emergence of a continent of informational cooperation' and the birth of a stream of 'real information sharing'. Therefore the wealth of networks find its source in the wisdom of crowds [2], the strength of weak ties [3] and collaborative intelligence, provided that they can express themselves in an institutional environment. Here, in this sense, concepts such structuring in European society that intellectual property and ownership are questioned for fear of causing a distortion in relation to a 'cognitive capitalism [4]'. Minded practices of networks now old and rooted in societies, it is essential to reflect on assumptions and set. We are seeking researchers whose work analyzing the impact of the uses of networks at the individual level, cultural, democratic and social justice.
In another sense, the wealth of networks are embodied in the value that the creation and development of physical infrastructure networks and the choice of operators in the dissemination of content transmitted by the networks. Here intersect analysis on technical and economic regulation of networks, defense of property intangible intellectual creations or the users' freedom. For example, the very current problems of net neutrality is central to those aroused by the issue of the wealth of networks. In this light, researchers in law, economics, management will be able to examine the evolution and impact of network development and practices. The second definition focuses on social networks leads us to question the sustainability of this mode of communication. This is to analyze general networks such as Facebook, professional networks as Viadéo or thematic networks such as those dedicated to health, as ANCRED or collaborative networks like wikis.
Indeed, social networks should cross the end of 2011 the billion unique users, but advertising revenue directly related to them remain modest at around $ 4 per visitor is, in aggregate, less than 1% of total global advertising expenditure [5]. Impressive figures but fragile economic model. Our heavy use of social networks can also be explained by technological advances. End of 2011, over 50% of hardware sold worldwide will be smartphones, digital tablets and netbooks [6]. Simultaneously, systems, applications and data migrate from devices local to 'the cloud'. Thus, we announced a reorganization of company resources by managing the flow of information (cloud) and a new relationship to collective intelligence and expertise of anonymous users (crowdsourcing). The flooding caused by informational creativity bloggers and 'all journalists' raises the question of sorting information and identification information of 'quality': information is accelerated in social networks, Associate , or diggée bookmarquée and recently been sorting through the sites of social proxy (SCOOP curatedby ..).

This trend seems to announce a web reappropriation by web surfers against the sort performed by robots. Social networks are also an advertising market where spreads the affinity marketing and innovation of social networking sites such as hyperciblage the Facebook deals [7] or the new virtual currency Facebook [8]. Social networks are not a vast space of conversation and exchange, island are also a gateway to e-commerce or m-commerce: the door is so vast that any talk of f already -commerce. Regarding This second definition, we hope to communications that address: - technological developments through the standardization of middleware, new relationships between users and systems that must be multidisciplinary and give a central role to the user - the patterns of communication socionumériques networks which are the balance between SHS and ICT business models .- hesitating between free and proprietary, free and pay deepening knowledge of customs and behavior of Internet-marketing approaches uses networks incorporating the use of applications f-or-commerce legal framework of these networks questioning both the rules for terminals (interoperability, electromagnetic radiation, etc..) only uses social networks such as creating online, protected under the intellectual property regime for privacy and image rights of users and third parties, or uses subject to the rules of electronic commerce.

1] Yochai Benkler (2009), The Wealth of Networks, PUL. Benkler is Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. [2] SUROWIECKI James (2006), Wisdom of Crowds, JC Lattes. [3] Dominique Cardon (2008), Networks Journal, No. 252 / 6 [4] TRANSPLANT Xavier and Nathalie SONNAC (2008), Web Culture, Dalloz. [5] These global trends are announced by Deloitte in its annual "Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions," presented on February 4 2011. [6] Trends again extracted from the Deloitte report cited above [7] = Facebook deals instantly, the customer receives 'tips' offered by the store in which it enters. [8] Launch scheduled for 1 July 2011 virtual currency 'Facebook credits'. Principle: an online purchase entitles you to a credit that Facebook can be used to settle in another purchase or play online.
theoretical or empirical contributions are welcome.

responses to the call for papers

Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 11, 2011 .

> site su symposium


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